CLASS-ONE ASSIGNMENT             FULL MARKS-70                                                


All questions are compulsory.                                                        

Q.1 Fill in the blanks.

  1. Computer are used for _________calculation.
  2. Computer are used in ____________for storing information of customers.
  3. Computer are used for making _______movie and animation films.
  4. Computer helps in ________e-mail.
  5. Computer helps in________missiles.

Q.2 Question and answer.

  1. Write the five names of different areas where computers are used.
  2. What is the role of computer in education?
  3. What is the use of computer in bank ?
  4. How will you use computer in hospital ?
  5. Write the importance of computer in entertainment area?

Q.3 Question and answer.

  1. What is keyboard ?
  2. What is mouse?
  3. What is monitor?
  4. What is the difference between click and double click?
  5. How many types of mouse are used?
  6. What is paint?
  7. What is mouse pad?
  8. Write the name of different types of monitor?

Q.4 Fill in the blanks.

  1. ____key is used to erase letters we have typed.
  2. ____keys are called cursor control key.
  3. ____the key is pressed to move the next line.
  4. Mouse is a _____device.
  5. ______is used to select and object on screen.
  6. Computer always keeps on______.
  7. Three buttoned mouse has _____button.

Q.5 Chose the correct answer.

  1. Eraser tool is used to erase the wrong drawing.(Yes/No)
  2. Brush tool is not used to draw shapes. (Yes/No)
  3. You cannot make the circle in paint. (Yes/No)
  4. Double click used to select an object on the screen. (Yes/No)

Q.6 Question and answer.

  1. Write any five machines name that you see at home.
  2. Write any five machines that you see at school.
  3. Which machine is used to tell the time?
  4. Which machine keeps our food hot?
  5. Why is CPU called the brain of computer?
  6. Which part is used to display the information?
  7. AWhat is the use of printer?

         I.V SCHOOL

CLASS – ONE     ASSIGNMENT          FULL MARKS – 70                            


1.Now write about your self.

(i) My name is________

( ii) I am ___________

(iii) I like to eat ________

(iv) I dislike ___________

(v) I want to_____

(vi) I like to go to_________

2 .Chose the correct word.

(i)Shela is throwing the __________

    paper     ball     stone

(ii)Neera is plucking the

Flowers              fruits             leave 3.. Answer the following questions.

(i)What is the mother doing

(ii)What is Reeta doing?

(iii)Where does their uncle and aunt live?

(iv)What colour was tim tim ?

(v)What were on the table?

(v)Where are Sanjay and Leela going?

4. Chose the correct word.

(i) He jumped to a ___________

Table          chair             window

(ii) He looked at the

Cakes      eggs       rats

(iii)They are coming back by

Bus           train                ship

(iv) They are going next

Week                day                    both

  • 5. Fill in the blanks.
  • (i) I gave her___________for apple.
  • (ii) He was beating___________boys.
  • (iii) That is a partly __________bag.
  • (iv) Grandmother has __________hair.
  • (v)Ants like_____________things.
  • 6. Make plural these words.
    • (i) School
    • (ii) Week
  • 7. Write the opposite words.
    • (i) Go
    • (ii) Morning
    • (iii) After
    • (iv) back


 CLASS-ONE                 ASSIGNMENT                            FULL MARKS-70


All questions are compulsory.                                                        

Q.1 Write the four good manners ?

Q.2 Chose the correct alternative? a) The weight of a newly born alternative?

i. 4000 Kilo grams                       ii. 3000 Kilo grams

      iii.  5000 Kilo grams                          iv. 1000 kilo grams

  • b) It is the king of fruits.

i. Orange      ii.  Mango        iii. Apple

  • c) Who  was called the father of nation?
  • d) Who  was the first prime minister of India?
  •  e) Who was called the iron man of India.?

Q.3 We celebrate some festivals as our national

  1. Gandhi jayanti____________________________
  2. Independence day_________________________
  3. Republic day______________________________

Q.4 Question and answer.

  1. Which is the holy book of Muslims?
  2. What is the favorite food of popeys?
  3. What is the national flower of India?
  4. Who wrote our national anthem?
  5. Which bird imitates human’s voice very much?

       Q.5 Write the correct answer.

  1. Five famous sports name(outdoor games)
  2. Five famous sports name(indoor games)
  3. Five musical instruments name.

Q.6 Chose the correct alternative.

  • (i) Kangroo is the national animal of
    • Japan
    • Australiya
    • Rusiya
  • (ii) Who bring our letters to us?
    • Postman
    • Watchman
    • Doctor
  • (iii) Children love to play with
    • Toys
    • Blades
    • Scissors
  • (iv) It is an indoor game.
    • Hockey
    • Carom
    • Tennis

Q.7 Write the three source of water?

Q8.question and answer.

  1. Write the India’s national bird name.
  2. This bird makes hole in trees with its beak.
  3. Hawa mahal is situated at.
  4. How much time pine apple takes to grow its full size?

Q.9 Match the following words.

i.            Gurydwara                           a.    Mango

ii.           King of fruits                         b.   Butter

iii.          Zebra                                      c.    Sikh

  1. Bread                                    d.   Mumbai
  2. Gateway of india                 e.   Black and white strips.

I.V SCHOOL                                                                                                                                            

SUBJECT- GREEN PLANET    ASSIGNMENT  FULL MARKS-70                                                                             

  • 1. Me and my self.
  • ANS-
  • 2. Question and answer.
    • a) How namy fingers do you have in your hand?
    • b) Which is not a part of our body?
    • c) Legs help us to_________.
  • 3. Match each action to the sense organ.

     Word bank(eyes,ears,tougue,nose)

  1. Taste the food.                               i)Eyes
  2. Small a flower                                ii) Ears
  3. Read a book                                   iii) tongue
  4. Hear the bell                                  iv) Nose 4 4Good manners and habits, write the  ten lines.
  5. Chose the correct option
  6. a) My grandfather and grandmother are my
  7.  Parents       B)Sister            C)Grandparents
  8. b) My parent’s son is my
  9. Brother        B)Sister            D) None of these
  10. c) We are our parent’s
  11. Cousins         B)Children      C) Uncle
  12. 6. Question and answer.
  13. a) What are the different roles that your parents.
  14. b) Who cleans your house?
  15. c) Who sells things in a shop?
  16. d) Who cuts your hair?
  17. e) What we get from the sun?
  18. f) How many colours there in a rainboue?
  19. g) Name two water transport?
  • h) Name two air transport?
  • i) What are trees?
  • j) Which plants have and woody stems?
  • k) How are animals useful to us?
  • 7. The sky above us-
    • a) The sun or the clouds
    • b) The moon or the star
  • 8. Your green planet book writer name?



       CLASS- ONE                    ASSIGNEMNT                                                                                                                                                                                               


  • 1. तीन- तीन शब्द बनायें |
    • ई ___________        _______________        _______________
    • उ __________          _______________         _______________
    • ओ _________          _______________        _______________
    • ए _________           _______________        _______________
    • अं _________          ________________       _______________
  • 2 . जोड़कर लिखिए :-
    • र +त +न =
    • प +प + ी+त +I=
    • र + f  +व +व+ I+र =
    • म +ध +, +र =
    • उ +प +व+न =
    •  ग +   ृ  + ह =
  • 3. सही उत्तर  चुने |
    • i) तितलियाँ कैसी होती हैं ?
    • सुन्दर      b) असुंदर       c)विशाल
  • ii) घूमते – घूमते चिंटू कहा पहुंचा ?
    • जंगल     b )शहर           c)सर्कस
  • iii) जानवर  खुशी  से क्या कर रहे थे ?
    • नाच और गा रहे थे    b )ताली बजा रहे थे  c )कूद रहे थे
  • iv) बन्दर किसकी पीठ पर बैठा था ?
    • शेर की    b ) सियार की   c)ऊंट की
  • v) रुमाल में कितने पैसे का सिक्का था ?
    • पाँच का     b )दस का     c )बीस का
  • 4. कविता याद करके खली स्थान को भरें |

सुन्दर __________________________

_____________________विशाल बनायें |

चींटी ,हाथी,______________________|

_____________________के जीव बनायें |

  • 5. शब्दार्थ  लिखें |
    • रचयिता    b) अचरज  d)बाग  e विशाल   f)अनबन   g )संघर्ष
  • .6 किसका सम्बन्ध किस से है रेखा खींच कर मिलाएं |
    • बोली                   (i)  सुहावनी
    • पानी                    (ii) सुंगधित
    • दोस्ती                  (iii) मीठी
    • हवा                     (iv) ठंडा
    • फूल                      (v) पक्की
  • 7. अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द लिखिए |

दानी,अध्यापक,मार्गदर्शक,खुशदिल,दयालु ,परोपकारी ,अहिंसा

  • जो पढ़ाता हो –
    • जो दान करता हो-
    • जो सबको रास्ता दिखाए –
    • जो दूसरों पर दया दिखाए –
    • जो सबको उपकार करे –
    • जो हमेशा खुश रहता हो –
  • 8. सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें |
    • अध्यापक जी नन्हें चिंटू को देखकर क्यों खुश हुए ?
    • क्या ऊँट बन्दर को तलब के उस पर ले गया ?
    • जादूगर का वेश कैसा था ?
    • पं० जवाहरलाल नेहरु कौन थे ?
    • बाद में हवा और सूरज क्या फिर से दोस्त बन गये ?
    • टोपी पर कितने फुदने थे ?


      SUBJECT-MATH                  ASSIGNMENT          FULL MARKS -70

All questions are compulsory.          

Q1. Mark the jumps and write the difference.

  •  a)

                             0    1   2   3  4   5   6   7   8   9   10       



  •   b)   

  0           1        2         3        4         5        6      7      8      9      10       11       12



Q.2 Write the subtraction facts in the box.

  1. Rinki had 10 pencils. She used 4 pencils. How many are left?
  2. Ali has 12 oranges.5 of them are sold. How many oranges does Ali have now?

Q.3 Convert all the digit in English and hindi word.

  1. 11             ii. 12        iii .18        iv.   22

Q.4 Fill in the blanks.

  1. The number before 54 is___________.
  2. The number before 72 is___________.
  3. The number before 65 is___________.
  4. The number before 89 is___________.
  5. The number before65 is___________.
  6. 82 is between _______and 83.
  7. 66 is between 65 and_______.
  8. ______is between 92 and 94.

Q.5 Select the smallest number.

  1. 11,13,66,76,9,0,22,21
  2. 22,77,74,55,77,21,77,33,80
  3. 1,2,3,5,7,9,55,
  4. 77,77,88,91,34,31,55,55,55,2
  5. 0,0,0,0,2,1,3,5,7,9

Q.6 Addition story sums.

  1. Rohan invited 12 boys and 5 girls to his birthday party.How many children did invite for party?
  2. Anish has 42 story book and 17 school books.How many books does he has in all.

Q.7 Fill in the blanks.

  1. 1*3=_______ b .  3*5=_______c. 6*4=_______d. 5*7=_______
  2. 6÷2=_______ b. 12÷6=_______c. 8÷2=_______d. 9÷3=_______
  3. The first day of week is_______.
  4. The sixth day of week is_______.
  5. The third day of week is_______.

Q.8 Fill in the blanks.

  1. 4 rupees +6 rupees=
  2. 7rupees +9rupees=
  3. 8rupees -6rupees=
  4. 5rupees +2 rupees=
  5. 6rupees +2 rupees=
  6. 10rupees -6 rupees=